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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Putting The Emphasis On Comfort – Part 6 – Guest Rooms

With guest rooms it is a good idea to keep them warm and inviting yet still neutral. Earthy tones with brighter reds and yellows look very nice. Furniture wise using a futon makes the room multifunctional. So that when you’re not having guests stay over the room can still be used as an office or spare room.

A futon or fold out bed can still look stylish with throws and pillows for decoration. Bedding sets usually come with additional covers for pillows so you can use these and keep with the theme of the room when it’s not in use for guests.
Accessories should be kept to a minimum so as to gives your guests plenty of room for their own possessions or just so that they can make the room feel like theirs. Accessories that also have a function are a good idea such as lamps and storage.

Vases are good decorations and you can put flowers in them when guests come to stay to make it look more inviting. Wall art should go with the colour scheme. Wall art prints look great on the wall and can make the room seem more homely.

Curtains with tribal print on will look good with an earthy colour scheme. Especially on canvas tab top curtains. Flowing, fluid materials look great on a Swish curtain track. Curtains can be the starting point for designing a room. For example if they have a particular print on you can use the colours in it to help you design the rest of the room.

Rugs and carpets make a room look inviting and also inject some pattern into the room without being over bearing. Soft feel rugs are best in bedrooms and guest rooms and can help stop noise from other areas of the house.

A decorative chair at the end of the bed or in the corner of the room can be a nice touch and can be used for guests to put clothes on or relax in. These can be really ornate and beautiful and you can even match the upholstery with the curtains or bedding.

Candles make a room feel inviting, a few placed on the tops of chest of draws look stylish. Alternatively you can use oil burners or if you want something a bit different you can use floating candles in a decorative bowl of water. If the bowl is coloured and clear, the lit candles will shine through and create colours and patterns on the walls. They can really create a welcoming atmosphere for your guests!

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