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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smile - You are in Gaza

If you find that - after three years of study - that the university that you wake up every day and put a gel on your hair for it, and studying for exams, and follow their news, praising the food .. Not recognizing from the Ministry of Education.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If your dream has become historic is that you get a job at the unemployment agency for six months on the unemployment line or for a period of three months in the Summer Games after he graduated from an excellent rate of two years ago.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If your salary is modest evaporation after the second week of the month because you caught your salary after the end of the first week, you are required to pay your creditors for the past month and those who are waiting at the door of the bank.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If you have a job from God and went to the bank to take your salary in dollars, Vojabk employee that there is no dollar or dinars, and you have to take your salary in a currency (shekel) local teams with a loss of market due to the blockade, as you know.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If you decide to work free work, and I thought to open a supermarket (for cod) in your area, to be surprised that I'm your neighbor and your brother and your friend have decided to open the same project in the same place.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If you come across a trash container, and found families of cats, dogs, fun and walking and the Lord shepherd, feed and reproduce on the remnants of the people until they become rate (never to every citizen).
Smile - You are in Gaza

 If Sdmtk the bitter truth that more than half of young learners Almtontekin bribers to perfume and almost all of the initial sponsors and Almspspin T-shirts, sunglasses and apostates Levantine faces considering emigrating to Sweden.
Smile - You are in Gaza

If you find that the number of charities and international institutions more than grocery stores and all of life is improving and the transfer of Gaza to Singapore, but you find yourself in Mozambique and Eritrea.
Smile - You are in Gaza

 If you cut twenty kilometers to retire yourself away from the people and think about your future and your problems are outstanding and reflect the beauty of nature as much as possible, and then going through your friend and the son of your aunt's husband's aunt's daughter uncle and the son of neighbors and the owner of the shop and grandchildren of uncle and a friend has fallen into disuse and a child tells you his uncle, all in the same Location
Smile - You are in Gaza

If I thought that all the above items are pure imagination and exaggeration, and far from reality, smiled a lot.
 You're sure not in Gaza
 You're sure not in Gaza

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