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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eco-Awareness: Up-Cycling And Recycling Remain In-Trend Throughout 2010

The term up cycling became popular last year as people took on board the need to turn old and everyday objects into soft furnishings at their home. The trend in 2010 remains the same, and whilst many people are seeing the end of the recession rather like the light at the end of the tunnel, there are many more who need to continue type in their purse strings.
It’s all well and good asking people to recycle however, it’s a different kettle of fish so to speak when talking about actually turning something old into something new! The great thing is there is a wide range of haberdashery bits and pieces which can make life much easier.
If you’re thinking of transforming existing curtains to use in another room buckram is a cheap and easy way to alter the style of curtain headings. Buckram is basically used to create stylish goblet or pinch pleat headings, as it’s fusible there is no actual sewing involved making this an effective and simple to use item!
Another way you could up cycle a curtain pole is simply by painting it a different colour! This is obviously far easier carried out on wooden curtain poles rather than metal. Alternatively if you still prefer the look of natural wood you could change the colour simply by buying new, especially as there are so many bargains in the January sales!
You could also give consideration to making your own soft furnishings by buying curtain material online which can be a fraction of the cost of buying ready-made curtains, or other soft furnishings such as footstools, cushions or beanbags।
If you have never attempted making anything yourself there are a whole host of guides and instructions available on the Internet to inspire you! Look for sites or blogs which focus on interior design and you will be amazed at the intuitive and inspirational ideas which abound.
It’s probably easier to start with a small project which can easily be accomplished rather than embark on an over ambitious makeover which may end up a disaster! The revival of arts and crafts all good starting point, you could make patchwork cushions or bed covers using a variety of fabrics from old clothing, a mixture of textures is ideal for trendy look and there is no need to make overcomplicated patterns and designs to begin with. Once the bug has bitten you, or not as the case may be, you can then extend your ambitions and your new found hobby throughout your home!

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