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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Iajmal say to your father Egyptians Beckerhok

Facts about Gamal Mubarak
Egyptian protesters when he went out to the streets to demand an end to the rule of President Hosni Mubarak's 30 years old who were targeted in the same time his son Gamal, who many believe is being prepared for the job.
If this belief is true - which it denies all of Mubarak and his son - Alan implementation might become more difficult. Here are some facts about Gamal Mubarak ..
Escalation of the political role played by Jamal (47 years), the youngest of two sons of Egyptian President during the last ten years Batlaih Secretariat of the Policy Committee in his father's ruling party National Democratic Party.
Holding the allies of Gamal Mubarak, who was a banker at Bank of America's key economic ministerial positions the government has been involved in the development of economic liberalization measures implemented since 2004 and was welcomed by investors.
**Jamal received his education at the American University in Cairo, which includes the children of the elite. And often roam the sectors of the country, the promoter of the policies of the ruling party will also have discussions on the Internet focus on the concerns of the younger generation.
does not work, the beauty the military domain in contrast to his father, who was commander of the Air Force and in contrast to all the heads of Egypt, who were former officers in the army before taking the presidential post.
Despite the many beauty denies speculation that he has any ambitions to succeed his father, who has ruled Egypt since 1981.
Protesters chanted slogans on Tuesday aimed at Gamal Mubarak, who cast him a lot of the blame for poor economic liberalization measures, which they say they serve the interests of the rich. Chanted protesters in Cairo, "Iajmal say to your father Egyptians Beckerhok" while others tore up his image in Alexandria.

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